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    domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017


    Resultado de imagem para S3 4G 6.0.1

    Versão Marshmallow 6.0.1 :!lAEhmZKK!aTROKwB0bP...

    Aplicativos da Google(Obrigatório) :!BEE2HJIA!-WKeF6_DlX...

    CMV, é bom que atualize (ROM) :!QZVWhDBZ!nArgXBWmoA...

    ROOT, É nessesario para poder atualizar o CMV :!xUk33S5L!LBvvH9trNL...

    ODIN, Para Instalar o ROOT:!FME0kRiA!AUsDD3nXbg...

    SAMSUNG DRIVERS:!TwQRyTTY!jXgKj5ZOjxQw5Xcj1q5szROS_XkuDzS_ngy_q151ZVM
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    sábado, 25 de março de 2017

    How to check which of the Processor, ARM, ARM64 or x86, powers your smartphone

    How to check which of the Processor, ARM, ARM64 or x86, powers your smartphone

    Following the launch of Android Lollipop, installing the Xposed Framework got even more confusing and complicated. Apart from knowing separate installers for every Android version, you must also be familiar with the exact details of the processor powering your handset, in order to ensure that you end up downloading the compatible files.
    Knowing the architecture of your device’s CPU does come in handy, not only you can get successfully install the Xposed Framework, this information is essential for installing custom ROMs. You might be surprised to hear that dome certain sideloaded app updates are also becoming architecture specific. So without further ado, let’s have a look at how you can check which of the ARM, ARM 64 or x86 chip resides in your smartphone.
    Step 1: Install Droid Hardware Info
    To know the CPU architecture, first you’ll need to install an app that details you about the hardware available in the smartphone. The best app for the purpose is the one called ‘Droid Hardware Info’. All you need to do is search this app by name on the Google Play Store and then tap on install to get the free app on your handset. Alternatively, you can click here to get to the install page directly.

    Step 2: Find Your CPU Architecture & Instruction Sets
    Once the app is downloaded, open Droid Hardware Info and move to the System tab. Here you’ll be shown various details of your hardware, however just two of them will be of your concern – CPU Architecture and Instruction Sets. Note down this information on a piece of paper and then you can move on the next step.
    Step 3: Convert That Info into a Common CPU Name
    Unfortunately, the information available in the CPU Architecture and Instruction Sets section are not identical to the one you’ll find in Xposed Installer, or other apps for that matter. But that doesn’t mean you wont be able to figure out the required details. What you need to do now is simply match the information you noted earlier with the table we have provided below. This will then get you the common name of your handset’s CPU type.
    Name found on Droid Hardware Info Common Name
    ARMv7 or armeabi ARM
    AArch64 or arm64 ARM64
    x86 or x86abi x86
    That is all guys, now you can head on an install apps like Xposed Framework with the right information in your hands. Best of luck.
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    Galaxy S3 mini ANdroid 6.0

    Finally, the wait is over. We all have been anxiously waiting for the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update for our beloved Galaxy S3 Mini and it’s finally here. Of-course we are not talking about the official firmware here, we are talking about a custom ROM. Previously, the custom ROMs based on Android KitKat and Lollipop didn’t take long for the S3 Mini to come out. The Marshmallow wait was quite long. The new Marshmallow firmware for the S3 Mini is based on CyanogenMod 13 custom
    CyanogenMod 13 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow ROM for the S3 Mini has been ported from a custom ROM of the Galaxy Ace 2. The ROM has got most of the mainstream features like WiFi, Bluetooth, RIL, Camera, Audio/Video working fine. You might find a few bugs in the ROM, and some features will not work. Getting Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on an old and under-powered device like the S3 Mini is not less then a blessing so those bugs shouldn’t feel itchy in the first place.
    We are sure that you came here while looking for a method to upgrade your phone to the latest piece of software. So, without any further ado we will get back to what we were here for. In this post, you will find a tutorial on how to install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on Galaxy S3 Mini I8190 via CyanogenMod 13 custom ROM. Let’s go through some early preparations and precautions and then begin flashing the ROM right away.
    Early Preparations
    1. This ROM is only for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-I8190. Do not try this on any other device, please check your device’s model in Settings > About Device > Model.
    2. Your device must have a custom recovery installed, in case you’re missing it you may Follow our full guide here to install TWRP 2.8 recovery on your Mini S3.
    3. Your device’s battery should be charged at least over 60%. This is highly recommended in order to prevent any power issues during the flashing process.
    4. Make sure that you backup your important media content, ContactsCall Logs Messages. This is highly recommended just in case something goes wrong and you need to reset your phone.
    5. If you already have rooted your device, use Titanium Backup to back up all your important apps + system data.
    6. Also if you are using a custom recovery, it is recommended that you backup your current system using that first. [Just for the sake of safety]. Here’s our full Nandroid Backup guide.
    7. You will have to go through Data Wipes during installation of this ROM, so make sure that you have backed up all the mentioned data.
    8. Make an EFS backup of your phone before you flash this ROM.
    9. You need enough confidence to flash this ROM.
    10. Alright! Go ahead and flash the custom firmware, follow this guide to the letter.
    Disclaimer: The methods involved in flashing custom roms and rooting your phone are highly custom and may result in bricking your device, and has nothing to do with Google or the device manufacturer that is SAMSUNG in our case. Also rooting your device will void its warranty and you will be no longer eligible for any kind of free device services by the manufacturers/warranty providers. In case of any mishap we may not be held responsible. Follow these instructions to the letter to avoid any mishap or bricking. Make sure that whatever you do, you are doing it at your own responsibility.
    How To Install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow On Galaxy S3 Mini Using CM 13 Custom ROM
    1. Download file.
    2. Download file [arm – 6.0/6.0.1] for CM 13.
    3. Connect your phone to your PC now.
    4. Copy the both the .zip files to the storage of your phone.
    5. Now disconnect your phone and turn it off complete.
    6. Boot into TWRP recovery now, in order to do so, turn it on by pressing and holding Volume Up + Home Button + Power Key. You should see the recovery mode in a while.
    7. Now in TWRP  recovery, wipe cache, factory data reset and advanced options > dalvik cache.
    8. After wiping all these three, select “Install” option.
    9. Now select “Install > Choose Zip from SD card > Select file > Yes”.
    10. This will flash the ROM in your phone, once done get back to the main menu in recovery.
    11. Now once again select “Install > Choose Zip from SD card > Select file > Yes”
    12. This will flash the Gapps in your phone.
    13. Reboot your device.
    14. You should see the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow running on your device in a while.
    15. That’s all!
    First boot may take up to 10 minutes, you may not worry if it’s taking that much long. In case it’s taking too long, you may boot into TWRP recovery and wipe cache and dalvik cache and reboot your device as it may fix the issue. In case your device is having issues, you may return to your old system using the Nandroid backup or follow our guide here to install stock firmware.
    Got any queries? Reach us out through the comment box below.
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    segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016

    Como falar com um contato que te bloqueou no whatsapp (NOVO)

    Resultado de imagem para bloqueado whatsapp contato

    1 - Vá para o site e escolhe um número de telefone virtual. O site tem uma 
    imenso banco de dados com números de contatos; O número virtual pode ser encontrado de acordo com o código de área do país. De lá, você irá encontrar o número que é apropriado para seu país.
    2-  Um vez que você tenha escolhido o número virtual,  você deveria colocá-lo no campo requerido de instalação do WHATSAPP para ir para próximo etapa no qual ele pede o código de verificação.
    3- Navegando em Receive SMS OnLine FREE e clique no número que você escolheu. Tudo que você tem que fazer é colocar esse número de validação no Whatsapp e a página irá validar o seu perfil. Esse processo irá concluir a instalação do seu WHATSAPP e sem compartilhar seu número e contatos pessoais. Algumas vezes, você pode enfrentar alguns problemas técnicos, mas  caso isso aconteça,  você deve tentar com um número diferente.

    Resultado de imagem para bloqueado whatsapp contato
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    segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016

    Remover senha system password do Samsung RV 415

    Tenho um notebook Samsung RV 415 e ao ligar, antes de aparecer o Windows fica pedindo uma senha de acesso system password.
    Gostaria de saber como faço para remover esta senha que impede que acesse os sistemas operacionais?
    Acho que nesta tela que pede a senha é a tela de BIOS do notebook.


    Pessoal..após muito sacrifício e quase levar meu note á assistência, resolvi tentar mais á fundo á respeito de reset da Bios do Samsung Rv415.
    Abri a tampa traseira onde se faz a troca do HD e da Memória DDR3, sem a bateria claro, e bem próximo ao slot do pente de memoria tinha uma escrita pequena com a descrição... "bios rtc/reset.
    Já que teria que ir pra assistência, resolvi tentar pela ultima vez pois tentei de quase tudo e não deu certo resetar a bios, pois logo que ligava, solicitava senha!
    Com a bateria retirada e sem o carregador conectado, resolvi jampear os contaos próximos e para minha surpresa, funcionou. Enfim, a bios resetou!
      Segue abaixo o Link da segunda OPÇAO .. click aqui

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